Monday, 19 November 2012

Life may kill me

Hi again!
So I've managed to survive another week at school and I think i'm doing pretty well.
I think Last week went okay and It was definitely interesting. Well first off, we found out that we may never get a new science teacher (our original science teacher had complications with her pregnancy and the replacement doesn't speak french) but we're still doing the best we can. I also found out that apparently I just got paired with some kid I don't get along with a whole lot in two classes! Oh and because our band class needs a lot more work, we're playing a Christmas piece I played two years ago when I was first starting to play French Horn. But it was fun anyways. at the two concerts I had last week we got some great comments and it was lots of fun. and of course I have the same concert for the third choir this week. I think wednesday Is going to be very interesting because I have to wake up at 5:30, make sure I'm ready for the day, get to school for 7:30 so I can practice for Jazz, leave school at 8:30 (when school normally starts) for jazz fest and come back for 1:15 (hopefully) stay in class till 3:30 then go to divisional choir until 6:00 at which point I eat supper (probably at school also) and then at 6:30 the jazz choir (again) warms up for our other concert (yes folks this is still the same day!) at 7:00 the concert starts and it will probably end at around 9:00 at which point I walk home, finish any homework I happen to have and then fall asleep. Such a lovely day huh?
Well, I hope you all have a good week and I will try to blog again soon. Bye!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Hey everyone!
I just finished my latest week of school (thank goodness!) and with all that came 3 concerts! on Thursday we had the Divisional choirs concert which was amazing! Our uniforms are surprisingly comfortable unlike those for the other choirs. So after our hour long practice 90 min. before the concert started I ended up talking to a whole bunch of people I haven't seen in a while. I talked to people during and after the concert too, I know more people than I thought would be at the concert. So anyways it was a great concert and we had tons of fun along with getting a standing ovation after singing and dancing until we were completely breathless! That was definitely the coolest concert I've ever done. The next day, (Yesterday) I went to school and had half of a science class before heading to my next two concerts, both for remembrance day. It was a beautiful ceremony and the choir sang an amazing piece called "In Remembrance" by Jefferey Ames. there was also the piper, cadets, candle lighting, the band played a whole bunch of talking and a letter reading that made me cry. Twice. Either way, it was the most beautiful school remembreance day ceremony I've ever been to. And the same choir that performed there has a performance at ChoralFest on Tuesday. We will be singing In Remembrance again, Break Break Break and Dubula. (Links at bottom)
Have a good weekend everyone!
In Remembrance:
Break Break Break: there is no recording on youtube sadly

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Update on my performances!

So If you've been reading my blog you know I love to perform. So i'm branching out! At the moment I'm working on a cool new Debate for English Class. I can argue, think on my feet, I love researching and I love to talk in front of people. What could be cooler for a geek like me? So I am debating the opposition of: Human Genetic Engineering is morally justified.
Obviously I won't post details until after the debate because my opponent might still remember my blog, I'm not sure but either way I am determined and taking no chances! So a shout-out to anyone who passes by my blog, What's you're opinion on it and why?
Thanks everyone! More details to come on all my upcoming performances. Tomorrow is take your kid to work day so some interesting things there, Thursday is a divisional concert, Friday is the remembrance day concert, Saturday I'm volunteering at a midsummer night's dream, Sunday I'll be working on  arranging this cool song (again, more details later) and next week is equally as hectic.
Have a good rest of you're week y'all!
Hey y'all!
So the poem I posted a few months ago was selected to be in a published book of top whatever authors! I thought it was really cool that someone obviously liked it but I had to turn them down because they needed money for it. I know I haven't posted anything for a while but I've been really getting ready for a big test and dealing with a new teacher and it's just been really hectic. So not many posts but tomorrow is my divisional choir's first concert! So once it's over i'll have so many interesting things to say!
Our songs alone are something to talk about. The first one is a Polynesian folk song called Ka Hia Manu which means many birds. I won't say much about it other than if you see a bamboo poll, duck!
Our other songs are come away sweet love which is a madrigal. I guess it sounds pretty cool and the parts fit together and it's really cool but it's not much fun to sing, oh well. the other three are Heilig, the ground and let everything that hath breath.
Heilig is in German and it's a little harder being in 8 parts and a different language but it's so beautiful I think it's worth it. The ground is in Latin (i swear music teachers have something against singing in English  and it's so pretty I just can't believe it! The last one is by far my favorite. It's called Let everything that hath breath and it is just so much fun and, well it's a gospel. I think that says everything you need to know.